Metal Core PCB (MCPCB) LEDs For High Power Demanding Applications

Luminus Devices’ Far-Red 3535 series copper core-board (MCPCB) LEDs are based on vertical chip LED technology high power density and uniform emission suitable for industrial and medical applications. It features the far-red wavelength of 735 nm and deliver radiometric power from 4.6 W to 8 W. The CBM-120-FR-C15-RA100 is the Luminus Mosaic Array Series Far Red Chip-on-Board LEDs. It uses the Big Chip Package technology that features very low thermal resistance to enable high power output. The Big Chip LED modules are mounted on a copper-clad core-board as shown below.

Luminus Mosaic Array Series Far Red Chip on Board Big Chip LED Module CBM-120-FR-C15-RA100

The LED chip die is mounted directly on a highly conductive copper submount. As a result, the overall thermal resistance to the LED junction is significantly reduced to only 0.64 °C/W in maintaining a much lower junction temperature.

The CBM-120-FR-C15-RA100 Big Chip LED module consists of LEDs with a big emitting area of 12 x 1mm2, an on-board NTC thermistor made by Murata, connectors, and a square copper-core PCB. With the NTC thermistor, external readout circuit can monitor the LED’s junction temperature. To facilitate accurate temperature calculations, the thermal resistance of the LED junction to the NTC thermistor has been characterized. The Murata thermistor used by CBM/CBT Series Big Chip LEDs is NCP18XH103J03RB, which has detailed specifications from Murata as reference for calculating the thermistor’s temperature. The following characteristics of Temperature vs. Resistances of the NTC thermistor can be used for temperature estimation.

CBM-120-FR-C15-RA100 Electrical Pinout with connections of thermistor
CBM-120-FR-C15-RA100 Characteristics of thermistor

The thermal resistances of CBM-120 series far red LEDs are provided by Luminus Devices.

Luminus CBM-120-FR-C15-RA100 Far Red 735 nm LED Big Chip Package

Typical Thermal Resistances 1:

Luminus CBM-120-FR-C15-RA100 Far Red 735 nm LED Typical Thermal Resistances
  • Note 1: Real thermal resistance data – “Electrical” thermal resistance values available upon request
  • Note 2: Thermal resistance values are based on engineering modeled data.
  • Note 3: Thermal Resistance is based on eGraf 1205 Thermal interface.

The typical spectrum of CBM-120-FR-C15-RA100 Far Red 735 nm LED is shown below.

Luminus CBM-120-FR-C15-RA100 Far Red 735 nm LED Typical Spectrum


  • Mosaic Array Far Red LED chipset with surface emitting area of 12 mm2, 4:3 aspect ratio
  • Vertical chip LED technology for high power density and uniform emission
  • High thermal conductivity copper coreboard package for low thermal resistance
  • Can be operated at variable drive currents up to 18A
  • Can be operated over a wide range of duty cycles from <1% to 100%
  • RoHS and REACH compliant
  • IEC 62471 compliance


  • Machine vision
  • Inspections
  • Fiber-coupled illumination
  • Medical and scientific instrumentation

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