- When: November 5-9, 2018
- Where: Oregon Convention Center, Portland, Oregon, USA
General Information
This premiere international meeting will be co-located with the 60th annual meeting of the American Physical Society’s Division of Plasma Physics (DPP). The DPP co-location adds the dimension of high temperature plasma science and novel plasma applications. The 2018 GEC will continue its tradition of offering a truly outstanding venue for presentation of leading research in low temperature plasma science and collision physics. This year’s GEC program will feature Workshops and Non-Technical Programs designed that nicely complement the scientific program.
Planning is in progress for over 2300 attendees combined
GEC is a special meeting of the Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (DAMOP) of the American Physical Society. GEC promotes invaluable exchange of scientific information, viewpoints, and approaches (experimental, theoretical, modeling, and numerical simulation) to understanding the physical and chemical processes occurring in partially ionized, collisional plasma and between the atoms, molecules, charged particles, photons, waves, and fields. In recent years, the GEC has also been a leading venue for reporting on emergent areas of plasma-biotechnology, plasma medicine, plasma-metal catalysis, & atmospheric-pressure plasma systems.
Read more at: http://apsgec.org/gec2018/